Researcher at SATT NORD
LIMMS/CNRS-IIS, The University of Tokyo, Lille, France
SMMiL-E project
Contact: simiuc.dana(at)smmil-e.com
I am a curious young scientist, with a PhD in physics, having strong interest in working with a multidisciplinary research team, willing to share my experience in biophysics. Dynamics of biological systems related questions using imaging techniques and optofluidics are my particular research interests. Since April 2023, i’m involved in the ImmunoMEMS project, maturation phase with SATT NORD.
- Biophotonics
- Optofluidics
- Cellular fate: dynamics of cellular response to stress – high-throughput single cell approach
- 2020: PhD in Physics, Biophysics group of stress, PhLAM, University of Lille, France
- 2015: Master degree in Biological and Medical Physics, Molecular Biophysics and Medical Physics Laboratory, Department of Physics, UAIC, Iasi, Romania
- 2015: Teaching Certification – Psycho Pedagogical Training, Teaching’s Training Department, UAIC, Iasi, Romania
- 2014: Erasmus Internship, Biophysics group of stress, PhLAM, University of Lille, France
- 2023-present : Developing engineer on IMMUNOMEMS project, LIMMS-IIS – SMMiL-E and SATT NORD.
- 2022 : Postdoc researcher, CNRS IRL2820 LIMMS-IIS – SMMiL-E project, vaisseau team
- 2022: Engineer on Photonic Microscopy Techniques, BICeL CS, UAR PLBS, University of Lille
- 2018–2020: Engineer in experimental techniques, Biophysics Group of Stress, PhLAM, University of Lille, France
- 2016-2019: Teaching – assistant researcher, IMT Lille Douai, France
Classes (practical work): Geometrical optics, Interference and diffraction, Oscillatory systems, Materials Physics - 2015-2018: Research Assistant, Biophysics Group of Stress, PhLAM, University of Lille, France
- 2014-2015: Training in fundamental research Molecular Biophysics and Medical Physics Laboratory, Physics Department, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University from Iasi, Romania
- 2014: Training in fundamental research, Biophysics Group of Stress, PhLAM, University of Lille, France; UAIC, Iasi, Romania
- I am currently working in BioPharMEMS project, partnership between LIMMS SMMiL-E project, HCS Pharma and IEMN, in Lille France. In this context I am asking how vascular targeting therapies can be exploited to treat tumours. It is well known that blood vessels are adapting, favouring the tumour growth. Our experimental approach is to build in vitro human blood vessels in a biocompatible matrix. We design μfluidic chambers in PDMS and use a sacrificial template approach, to form a perfused, stable blood vessel using primary human endothelial cells. Cells are grown in a proprietary matrix which makes a controlled 3D environment. As perspective, we wish to recreate a tumour in this matrix and perfuse it through the established blood vessel.

- D. Simiuc, F. Anquez, A. Treizebre, E. Vandenhaute, Z. Souguir, F. Soncin, E. Courtade, Adaptation: from molecular dynamics in single cells to organs on-a-chip approaches,1st ONCOLille Days, November 2022, Lille, France p.57
- D. Simiuc, F. Anquez, Q. Thommen, B. Pfeuty, E. Courtade, Adaptation of breast cancer cells : variability of single cells responses, 1st ONCOLille Days, November 2022, Lille, France, p54
- D. Simiuc, F. Dahmani, A. Pruvost, M. Guilbert, M. Brulé, C. Lagadec, B. Pfeuty, Q. Thommen, E. Courtade and F. Anquez. Measuring adaptation dynamics to hydrogen peroxide in single human cells using genetically encoded fluorescent probes, DOI 10.1101/2020.11.14.382911, (online submission 2020)
- E-F. Grosu, D. Simiuc and R. Froidevaux. Layered Double Hydroxides Nanomaterials in Biomedicine and (bio) Sensing Design. BJSTR, Vol2, Issue 4, DOI 10.26717/BJSTR.2018.02.000786 (2018)
- D. Simiuc, A. Pruvost, S. Demolin, F. Anquez, and E. Courtade, Dynamics of ROS scavenging and cell death: A system biology approach, 41st FEBS advanced courses: Redox regulation of metabolic processes, September 19th–25th, 2016, Spetses, Greece